5 Challenges of Working Remotely (And How to Overcome Them)

February 24 , 2021
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Working from home is not that straightforward as it looks and only the people that are bound to follow this can understand it. This culture indeed lets you work on your terms along with perks like no travel expenses, no formals, no on-field client meetings, and more. But on the flip side, it stacks up a lot of challenges that can impact work-life balance and take a toll on health.

We will discuss the top five challenges that everyone faces while working from home and also dive into the most effective solutions to overcome them.

Challenge one: Self Motivation

When your boss is not present at home to get the work done within the deadlines, here comes the issue of self-motivation to finish the tasks. Feeling lazy, demotivated to work, or procrastination can take over the mind easily. So, it becomes critical to overcome this challenge and work like a pro.

Solution: You need a better environment

The best way to keep yourself motivated and enthusiastic to work, you need to tweak up some changes and make your surroundings clutter-free. If you have an extra room then dedicate that space to your work hours. If you don’t have an extra room, dedicate a separate corner in your room and set up your desk.

Challenge two: Time Management

Time management is an art and it takes a while to master it. And when it comes to WFH, this is a must-have skill that can save you from piles of work. At home, an individual comes across hundreds of distractions, house chores, and disturbances— and all these things make work exhaustive.

Solution: A simple routine

Same as an office, you need a fixed schedule that you can follow and finish all your tasks with the same energy and confidence. If you work for nine hours, create a simple schedule of the same hours and distribute the work as per their priorities.

Challenge three: Inefficient communication

Inefficient communication or a delay in it can waste a lot of time and it sometimes ruins the entire day. As everyone is working remotely and not all are available at the same time, it creates communication delays. This small thing can sometimes lead to frustration or work mismanagement.

Solution: Keep it to the point

We are not in the office and there is no time for light humor or general gossip on trending topics. When it comes to meetings or discussion sessions, ensure you are only talking to the point as it will not create any confusion or miscommunication. Keep your discussions short, to the point, and clearly ask if you have missed some point as it will not create a problem later.

Challenge four: All alone

The feeling of working as a lone wolf is common these days and it may take a toll and make anyone feel tired, and less concentrated on work. Keeping the work at pace is harder when we work along and that’s why you need to fix this as quickly as possible.

Solution: No need for such strict isolation

The work location has changed but your team, friends, or business partners are the same. Having a conversation with them for a few minutes can pump up the mind and relieve the stress.

Challenge five: Personal health

Maintaining personal health is critical and this thing is non-negotiable. Amid the current situation, it’s difficult to hit the gym and begin the workout like before due to several restrictions. But, maintaining health is a priority, not an option.

Solution: Start small

Several videos are available online that help you with home exercises and anyone can follow those easy steps. Take some time out and start working out at home with the existing limited resources. Even simple body stretching at frequent intervals can do wonders.

Work from home is attractive but it’s important to sort these challenges to enjoy it. Follow these simple steps and master your mind to give your best. Get started now and you will notice positive changes in your work style.

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