Our approach & process is so engaging that our customers become our partners.

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Customer Friendly Engagement Models

Engagement Models
You can hire the excellent development team of Ndimension Labs on turnkey project basis. At Ndimension Labs, customers are recommended with the right approach and process for their projects by understanding their technological needs. Various development methodologies such as Agile, waterfall, prototyping and SCRUM are in practice here to provide our developers with a state-of-the-art infrastructure and standardized programming model. This plays a huge role in creating a flexible development environment, thereby producing a best-in-class technically perfect end product for our customers.

Let’s be partners!
Why do we think we should be your technical partner? We believe in building long-term mutually beneficial business relationship with our customers. World-class services and solutions in the most engaging manner for days, months and years culminates into establishing a strong sense of mutual trust between the two parties. This is the base of an enduring alliance. When we talk about the engagement model, we really mean it. Ndimension Lab’s attentive services are vividly-defined and forthright methodical. They are flexibly designed to offer you the absolute comfort and confidence while enjoying the most possible advantages of a continuing partnership. Let us enlighten the three types of engagement models we follow:

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Flexible Engagement Models

Fixed Time & Cost Model:

This engagement model works for clients with clearly defined scope and requirements. Given that price, timelines, deliverables and objectives are pre-defined; this model is largely risk-free.

  • The well defined nature of the scope makes the project execution straight forward with little or no external dependencies.
  • This model works best for well-defined, small to mid-scale projects.

Time and Material Model:

This is a pay-per-use engagement model ideal for projects in which the scope, requirements and specifications are either not well defined at the beginning or may undergo midstream changes. This option can be used for the maintenance, upgrade, functionality enhancement etc.

  • This model ideally suits the projects with continuously evolving requirements.

Dedicated Resource Hiring Model:

Many of our clients opt for this option as dedicated resource are provided to spend 40 hours a week and 160 hours in a month working on your requirements.

  • Customers can directly handle Project Management and Task Management. Herein the resources act as Virtual Employees.
  • By hiring a dedicated team, a client can free himself from employing any in-house team of developers, thereby saving substantial costs.
  • This model is ideal for long-term projects that require offshore support services continually.

A model adopted initially can be changed or altered at any point of time if need arises. Our objective is to make our clients delighted working with us.



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